Thursday, October 13, 2005

...then Buddha spear tackled him and I was flabbergasted!

I found this picture amusing. It's a page from an old christian coloring book. The sentences read:

Here is a man from India
He is praying to his god
His god cannot help him
This man must know about Jesus
Can you think of some ways to help him?

I view Buddhism as more of a set of philosophies, not a 'religion' per se. It is often mixed up with Taoism, which is a more 'traditional' religion. Contrary to popular belief, Buddha is not considered a god. He is viewed as an 'enlightened' man, who set about creating philosophies to live life and achieve 'enlightenment'. Buddhism encourages learning, so you can believe in different religions (hence some Buddhists are Taoists aswell, which leads to the mix up). It all goes crazy when you mix Buddhism together with Taoism and superstitious customs. Gah! That conludes religion 101 (probably all wrong info anyway). Hooray!

Now for more important things. How to make sushi, taught by a couple of perverted looking middle aged men in cheap ass kimonos. Hai!


Blogger malachi trizec said...

"The content of this page is suitable for children of all ages." translates to 'sure, that kimono's kinda short looking but the guy's wearing jeans underneath...' lovely. there's probably chest hairs in that sushi.

6:10 AM  

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