Sunday, July 17, 2005

Go home and tell your mum about us, Timmy!

"Half-arsed Super guy" (me) and his partner, "Bundy Man" (with undies on the outside), have saved the world again. Stopping gate crashers and quenching thirsts. Too bad arch nemesis of "Bundy man", "Hangover Whore", didn't materialize...
"Team Fire Loins" consisted of us 2 and:
Ferris - The Guardian of Ferris Bueller, with the power to fossilize her enemies with the earth ring she stole from one of the planeteers. Also has the power to honk the horn longer than courtesy length
Green Crusader - Wields a scepter that dishes out heat stroke to her enemies. Also can steal your soul and replace it with pure rock. As is in Led Zepplin etc
Captain Dork - Wise and unforgiving...err...what was your power Crackers? His one weakness is pickles to the face.
King Tut/Farooq - Blinds enemies with his shimmering cape by spinning on the spot. For 5 hours. Also, was once a wrestler.
The Teal Zorro/Vasqeul/El Capitan - Zorro's dodgy knock-off. Wears teal kevlar. Like Batman he says...
Sexy man - He didn't dress up (after telling him twice!). Says he came as sexy man
Lani - Holds the power of the designated driver

Hmmm, I think that's it. Btw, I had the power of the sprained left shoulder. Costume parties are crrraaazzy.

EDIT: Captain Dork's skill was to steal the necklace of the gate crasher, then do a jig over the spoils of battle and recieve many high fives from all involved.


Blogger anon said...

I was wondering if you've seen yet...tee-hee.
p.s.--that means visit my blog.

9:56 AM  

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