Thursday, February 09, 2006

I choose you, Huey!!

Dear Mr Huey

I've been a long time fan of your delectable adventures within the culinary battlefield. My friend Rick especially is fond of your Beef-Tortilla-for-one. A tour de force of form and function, that I too have a soft spot for. When you cook, I hear bells of joy, like silent lightning flashing in-line to an old Army bugle player. You seem to revel in the act of sculpturing god-like substances in strange and exotic surroundings. You are always on the move, almost as if you are on the run. And yes, I do know the first rule of survival:

Always keep on the move.

Now I beseech you. You must rise above the others. Look to the east for the coming of the Iron chef's wrath! You must challenge them. Now is the time to strike. With spatula in one hand, and cooking pan in the other, you must show these paupers of cooking royalty what for! I know you will not let me down.

Your eternal fan,


(Brain Fart. I hope I get a reply)


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