Monday, January 16, 2006

Hermit the Crab!

Salutations and accusations!

Back from a whirlwind tour of 90 Mile beach. Arms are sore (I'm tired of being a senator!), skin slightly burnt, mind fried to a crisp. Yes you can get sunburnt on your brain. Cerebro burn marks abound. I couldn't swim because the waves hitting my arm would be like Zeus thunderbolts. Which was a shame. Things that stick in the mind:

- Me calling Crackers 'Hermit the Crab', instead of Kermit the Frog. A slip of freudian proportions. Methinks I have a sick fascination with crab-like kind
- Me and Rick being convinced that Crackers and Melsta (or was that Flyboy and Kateo?)were having 'Silent submarine sex' in their tent. The only noises being the ping-ping sound.
- The patented Cracker's 1 second moan.
- You .... like a girly man, was the line of the weekend.
- Jarrod Moore-on...hehehe Moron.
- Convincing ourselves that the ghost of old man Squat Squat and his french poodle Le Squat Squat, haunted a derelict house down the road.
- I feel the earth move is the greatest song in the world
- Telling people that A Braveheart doco was about to come on, hosted by Mad Max. Then William Wallace and Mad Max would fight in Thunderdome while Tina Tunrer watched on.
- Finding Rey Mysterio Jr in a card game

I also made up the shittest joke in the world.

What would the Gorillaz (the band) say if you asked them where the remote control was?

It's dare


I'll update this post during the day, as my memory recovers. I'm still on the slowest dial-up in the world so I update less.


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