Friday, September 22, 2006

The gunshot and laughter is the last thing they remembered

I need mania. I need laughter and hammers. I need to see beautiful birds, wrestling in multi-coloured jelly. I need to hear small bells, sing lullaby's to the scared masses. I need the string section to play while I run on rooftops. I need to play the saxaphone like I'm putting in the Mortal Kombat blood code on the super nes. I need to throw electric guitars through buildings and taunt kids with guns. I need to be there for the crowning of the new prince of Bel-air. I need to explode onto the acting scene as a child in charming family movies, then a few years later fade from the public eye. I need to be shot into the sky to puncture the drums of the gods.

who is lost to the world, Stay Alive
January, February, March, April, May, I'm alive
June, July, August, September, October, I'm alive
November, December, yah all through the winter, I'm alive
I'm alive

I need help, but who will buy? And who will sell?


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