Saturday, July 08, 2006

you fart and cup it, and..."I've got the whole world, in mah hands!"

I'm furiously willing myself to get better. I've been sick all week and I need to get back to work. Everytime I cough it feels like punches are flying out of my mouth, like Cyclops from X-Men...except punches come out of his eyes.

Today I was annoyed by a door to door salesman that didn't know when to quit. He was spruiking his Electric company. Not what I want to see when cultists was invoking Cthulhu in my throat. "What!" I croaked. "Hi! Are you interested in changing your services to --- ---?". I couldn't find my Shakespeare quotation book so I couldn't recite him away. "No" I barked, or whispered. Used to that response, he pressed on with a spirited speech about the benefits of his company. "No thanks" I pushed, wanting him to gaze into my fist of dread, or maybe an arm to fall off Monty Python style. "I'm not interested. I'm happy with who I am with now". He still stood there poised to talk. Evidently he didn't know that evil white wizard Saruman was creating a race of the Superior Uruk-hai fighting orcs right there in the pits of my mouth. "Tell me what rates you are getting and we'll compare them to our rates" he droned, like a recording was tripped inside him. He was trying to buy more sand for his hourglass. "We'll compare them". He had his time. I looked up at him. "I'm going to eat you" I muttered, then pushed my glasses up.



"Nothing. I'm really sick. Come back next time."


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