Friday, June 10, 2005

Robocop was cobbled together by the repetitious nature of gestures and feelings

I dunno why I wrote about photography. I will say that I do in fact enjoy looking at these "bare bones" style close up photo's. Visually, they show a sort of human quality too it that is nice. Art is art, and who am I too judge eh? (Yes, I lost my judging stick...). I still maintain that they are technically, easy to produce. There, now you rabid photgraphers can stop writing me hate mail and release my dogs. I paid your damn ransom!!...

No work today so I went down to the city for a bit. Visited 'Amercian Rag' to see if Samantha was in. Found out she doesn't work there anymore, so I called her and went to her house. Now, I dated this girl for a bit..well, kinda dating. More of a brief liason I suppose. I never could really understand her. She eminated various conflicting signs to me that only served to confuse my poor noggin. It didn't help that I was born with such poor 'sign' reading skills. I chick could start sucking my fingers and I would probably still wonder what she thinks of me... It soon ended with little fanfare and a firm thumb press to the "end call" button. I was getting no sleep, and was feeling quite miserable. Anyway, seems like she's found herself a boy that can put up with her ..ways. I must admit, a feeling of regret did sweep over me. She was still pleasing to the eye, and I still enjoyed her corny jokes. *sigh Oh well, I'll save my "'sweet nothings" for another...

Came home at 4:00 to start my cooking pursuit to make taste buds dance (specifically my parents). Chopped up some chicken (using a quasi judo cleaver chop that would make bruce lee cry) and marinated them in "Thaozee's supreme curry marination of the nationTM". Turned out alright "..and there was mucho backslappings all around...". I'm about due for a quiet beer and nice company so I might leg it to my mates house for some shits and giggles soon.

I'm out


Blogger anon said...

cool blog.
I'm totally sticking with Sandwiches, candy, whiskey, revenge though. These four pirate food groups were carefully decided upon by a team of drunken experts.

4:06 AM  
Blogger devin said...


add to that... i like whiskey.

5:15 PM  
Blogger Thaozee said...

I'm a bourbon man myself, although I do enjoy the odd Canadian Club

Damn them drunken experts. I've always been a bit suss on them.

10:51 PM  

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