Let me sleep Garfield, you sadistic demon!

Now, Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead man's chest.
I would give the first one 4 out of 5 and this second one 3 out of 5.
It's a enjoyable movie and I did like it. The jokes are getting even more cheesy, but most work. Johnny Depp is still the star of the show, while Orlando "I'd rather be snorting elf cocaine" Bloom and Kiera "my acting consists of horse face" Knightley flounder about. The CG is quite nice. The action (although stretched) is fun to watch. But...
Way too long. And shoe horning in a "trilogy" is very noticeable. You can't set up a storyline, then leave EVERYTHING up in the air for the 3rd movie. I think Disney forgot that it was originally based on a ride, not some "epic" trilogy type franchise. The first movie was pure fun, it's appeal was that it took you on a great adventure without being too taxing plot wise. The only thing this movie did was get all the characters back together, using pretty flimsy premises. Norington! what are you doing in this drinking hole?(how convenient), Will and Eliz finding Jack very easily...etc And play on the Jack and Elizabeth attraction (which alot of fans wanted). You kinda feel cheated. For it's length, it's basically a movie that sets up the 3rd movie. 2 and a half hours of set-up, although fun in bits, is not cool. The main plot is no where near resolved, and they spring another major plot at the end. They should have made it more self contained (like the first movie) and still have that ending.
They tried to make Jack Sparrow heroic when he really was always an anti-hero that feels more comfortable looking after himself. Which is his appeal. He is a pirate afterall. Most of the trouble they get into is Jack's fault. Which makes that ending all the more strange. The return of a cerain character is nice, too bad we have to wait for number 3.
All in all, a decent if flawed sequel.
I was appalled to catch a trailer of a movie called "The Lake House". Appalled because it is a remake of a Korean drama called "Il Mare". Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock. They look more like brother and sister than lovers. I'd rather watch 2 hours of Keanu Reeves snorting the burny. And they're remaking "My Sassy Girl" too. Bah, I say. Bah!
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