Saturday, May 13, 2006

I intend to hold you for the longest time

I've been getting these massive bouts of fatigue lately, where I sleep for 10+ hours and I wake up with the whole day gone. I should be thankful since I haven't had much insomnia for awhile now, but I really hate missing out on the day. I go to sleep and it's night time, and wake up at night feeling like someone has been pummeling me while I was out. Oh and the dreams I get.

One particular dream starts of with me walking casually down the street. I stop suddenly, as I can hear the faintest sound of something in the air. The sound gets louder and louder and pretty soon I can make out what seems to be the start of Billy Joel's "Longest Time". I look at where the sound is coming from and brace myself as black forms start to appear along the horizon. People as far as the eye can see, humming "Longest Time" and marching towards. They get to me and surround me. Humming their infernal tune.

Then the whole place erupts, and I find myself leading them into singing "Longest Time".

It's like someone has just flipped the light at a suprise party. The place is bathed in pure fucken glee. And we're shouting this song in perfect harmony and it extends all around the world. It basically becomes a full world party, the likes of which someone in Nigeria would break a glass and the whole world shouts back "TAXI!". The sound is like Care Bears having boxing matches in your ears. Like you're sucking every single fucken colour in the world through a tiny straw. Like you're bathing in children's laughter. Everything just seems right. The world becomes this single organism that moves together in one cosmic hip thrust. And life just seems like it's being run on dreams and starlight.

Then I wake up. And the whole world becomes instant turds as my eye's focus. I dive back to sleep, hoping to get the same dream. But this is the best bit:

The dream continues where it left off.


Blogger anon said...

...someone in Nigeria would break a glass and the whole world shouts back "TAXI!"

can I steal that?

8:59 AM  

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